The kids loved the box they came in and were busy making a house in no time.
The first mural idea the client wanted was something like this (a picture he found) :

So this is what I came up with:

I changed the children to resemble the client's children and I changed the angle of the fence to make it more artistic. Finally, I added 10 hidden pictures throughout. Since this will be hung in a dentist's office, it will be something fun the kids can find.
Hidden below are a ball and jacks, gecko and teacup.

Peppermint and Bible.

Peppermint and Bible.
It's been so much fun. However, I didn't anticipate the size or the amount of room they'd take up. I could not maneuver the canvases down the stairs so the only spot for them have been in the living room. The kids have been very good in keeping far away from it, but they've been disappointed that we haven't had many people over for visits because of the risk. I'm hoping to deliver the canvases this week and will be relieved when they leave in one piece.