Target practice with grandpa's pellet guns and bike rides to the park.
My blog hasn't met Asher yet. He's such a sweetie. Sometime I'll go back and fill in all of his story. Asher Steven is 6 months old now and is an absolute delight. He's the apple of everyone's eye around here.
His eyes are soo blue. Such a contrast to Judah's dark brown ones. I love all the colors. Judah is 4 now. Age 4 means that he's a big kid-no more sucking the thumb. Ratz. He's doing great with it, though.
Joshies is 8 already. He's a hoot. Micah is getting sooo big. He's 10 now and is growing up soo fast.
And Sophia, my little girl, is 12 this summer. Unbelievable.
I'm blessed. So thankful for mom and dad to let me come and relax and blog once again.