Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

We had a great day. Missing handsome hubby (who has been gone for the past several days on business), made Mother's Day not quite the same, but I was treated royally by my little ones.

While baby took a nap, I enjoyed working in the garden all day. Then Sophie directed me to a spot in the front yard. Here she had been working hard too. To my astonishment I find:

a chair to rest

muffin and ice water to enjoy

bouquet of flowers to hold

basin of water and lotion for my feet

and a handmade umbrella to give me shade.

What a special Mother's Day. I am truly blessed.


The Lady of the Holler said...

That is SO sweet!

The Krukowski Family said...

That is just so precious. I hope I get such a thoughtful gift someday!

Carrie S said...

Sorry Daddy wasn't there to share the day. LOVE the umbrella! Those kinds of gifts from the heart instead from the pocketbook are the best ever!!