Dear Friends and Family,
As we take special time to enjoy our friends and family it is easy to see the goodness of God all around us. All of the love and laughs we enjoy are surely a gift from His hand.
Looking back over 2008 we have much to be thankful for. On May 13th, Judah James was added to our family. He was born a year after Samantha, who passed away in September 18th, 2007. He has been such a balm for our bleeding hearts! Judah is the sweetest little baby who showers us with smiles and affections. He is a delight and we are so grateful for him.
This is our third year of home-schooling and … so far so good. Sophia is 8 years old (3rd grade) and her favorite subjects are writing and art. She fills many notebooks with poems and stories and is continually hiding them around the house as gifts for Mom and Dad. She also loves to draw (so paper and pencils disappear at an alarming rate around here). Sophie is also learning piano and violin. Her daddy enjoys very much the duets they’ve been able to play together lately.
Micah is 6 years old and in 1st grade. This was a big year for him – learning how to read, which was very exciting. Micah loves playing sports. He runs circles around me and I’m sorry to say he can beat me at any race (although that’s one of my 2009 year resolutions-to beat him). His favorite game is to wrestle with his daddy, whose injuries are increasing each year. Micah also is learning piano and enjoys that.
Joshua is 4 years old. He loves organizing. He also likes to do whatever Micah or his daddy are doing. I am particularly thankful for how much Micah and Joshua enjoy playing together. He likes playing sports and putting puzzles together. He also loves wrestling time, and his daddy is thankful he is still a lightweight. Joshua shows an interest in reading too, which is exciting for me.
We will be celebrating our 10-year wedding anniversary this holiday. We look back in wonder at all that has transpired over these last ten years. We are so thankful for each other and can honestly say that our relationship is more precious now than ever before.
Love from all of us