Joshies, who is now 4 1/2, brought me Samantha's photo album along with many questions. It has been 18 months since Samantha died. But, for a 4 year old it, it seems like a decade. At 3, Josh didn't understand what was really going on. The first long car trip we took after she died, Josh asked if we were going to pick up Samantha. Now, as a 4 year old, he had questions:
How did she die? Where was she when she died? Did it hurt?What was heaven like?He looked at her pictures and said
'it's too far away...I don't remember what she looks like'. Then with tears pooling in his eyes he asked,
'But Mom, who's holding her in heaven?'At that point I couldn't hold back the tears either.

But Jesus called for the children, saying, “Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. "
Luke 18:16