Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring is Here

Oh I do love the seasons. Spring has to be a favorite of everyone. It is so fun to walk out to the garden and see the flowers come peeking out. The proportion is hard to see, but these are my miniature daffodils planted in Samantha's garden. How welcoming they are!

And to my delight, the rhubarb made it! A friend gave some of hers that she had split and I wasn't sure if it made it through the crazy winter we've had. Isn't it lovely? This talented lady could do something with the rhubarb leaves... I just love them. They would be fantastic to imprint. One of these years I'll try it.

Happy Spring.

1 comment:

Carrie S said...

Oh how I LOVE rhubarb! If you find yourself with a bumper crop, please let us know and we'll be happy to take some off of your hands! I have a couple of wonderful recipes I'll need to get to you for rhubarb bread (James hates rhubarb, but still loves the bread) and a yummy rhubarb crisp!