Friday, May 1, 2020

Remarkable Spring of 2020 Still Life Project

We’re going to have fun with a new Art Series titled The Remarkable Spring of 2020!

Overview: Project 6 is a Still Life.  Using the elements of Drawing (I will remind you of these elements to jog your memory), you will create a still life of entitled; March 2020: Happenings from my Quarantined Home. Make it interesting (remember composition and Rule of Thirds), and make it fun!  After all, we are more than conquerors in Christ. Romans 8:35-37 This is an adventure! Make it beautiful!!! 

This week: Brainstorm subject matters.  Draw several thumbnail sketches.  

Day 1: Brainstorm ideas and jot them down. To help you get started you can ask yourself:  What objects around your house represent this unusual extended amount of time at home? Or, what are a few of your favorite things from home you want to remember about this time? You can draw a single image, a few items or a collage of items that represent this time in history.

Day 2: Draw the ideas in a small, thumbnail sketches. Which one do you like best? Start to build your final on a bigger sheet such as 8 1/2 x 11. 

Next week: Work on your Final Drawing.  

Day 1: Start drawing the contours (outlines) of your final drawing. Remember the Rule of Thirds (your main focus of interest should not be in the bulls-eye center of your page). 

Day 2: Start shading.  Remember to include at least 3 different shades and make sure that your darks are dark enough!

Want to practice your techniques? Follow along this tutorial and this one

Remarkable Spring, by Rigel Grade 9

Remarkable Still Life, by Andrew Grade 9

Remarkable Still Life, by Me

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