Whew. We made it. I cracked my last egg yesterday. We've been trying to cut grocery costs by going once a month. This evening is my second, once-a-month shopping spree. I'm trying to pep-talk myself today. It's not the most fun experiences of mine (I try not to think about how many shopping carts will be filled). Yet it's good. With grocery prices rising and with the normal busyness of life, I found my spending way too high lately. Motivation from the sermon mentioned in this post and some of this family's practical advice, I hope to change my spending ways. I am not an organized person by nature, so this is good for me. Really good.
I am impressed. I don't know if I could do one shopping trip a month. Right now I am working on once a week... But just think about how much time it would free up, and I am sure it helps with spending too. Thanks for sharing.
I'll be anxious to talk to you about how it's worked. I only go once a week and I plan after the ads come out and I match up coupons to sales, etc. I think I could shop less if I could get back into the routine of much more bulk cooking, too. I'm hoping to do that once we're all healthy and stock up for when the new baby arrives!
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