Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Getting Cozy

We've had the most snow I've ever remembered here in Kentucky. 24 inches. I just looked it up and found, it indeed is a record- we haven't had this much in February since 1914. I'm from Michigan, so I don't mind it a bit. If it's going to be cold anyway, we might as well be covered in snow. It is so much prettier to look at! However, people tend to panic around here when it comes to snow, so it's a bit interesting. And good luck getting out of our driveway, let alone hilly, windy back roads to get to town!

So we'll put on the hot water for hot chocolate and tea and press on with school. No snow days for the homeschoolers! I'm so mean. Of course, they will be playing in the snow today, though.

My handsome hubby and I just finished watching the new Emma this Valentine's weekend. I am such a Jane Austen fan. Emma, shamefully, is the only book of hers I read so far! I need to get on that, I know. We watched the 3 Episodes on www.pbs.com. I highly recommend it! I've been repeating one of my favorite lines, "Badly done, Emma! Badly done!" in my attempt of a British accent these past couple of days.

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