Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh Help

The kids and I have been trying to zero in on some bad habits and replace them with good ones. One of my lifelong struggles is orderliness.

So we're ALL learning what orderliness means:
Keeping things in their place instead of letting things get all messed up

Then there always is self control to work on:
Stopping myself before I do wrong, Instead of letting myself go.

Then if they work more on taking the initiative:
Doing what I can to help instead of leaving the help to others

Along with meekness:
Letting others be special too, instead of thinking I'm the most special of all.

Then home would be a much better place.

I can never get victory over any sin,
except a forgiven sin.
If I say, 'I've got to get over this sin,
so I can be forgiven',
I don't know the gospel.

~John Piper from this sermon


Mrs. MK said...

these could have been my exact words....how alike we are!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic list of words and meanings; thank you for sharing.