Sunday, November 23, 2008

Much Thankfulness

A few years ago, I went to a MOPS meeting and made this Thanksgiving Journal to bring home for our family library. It was such a good idea. Each year we write the things we are thankful for that happened that year. It's been great to look back and read our story of bountiful blessings. Here are some highlighted things written in the journal for this year:

1. Judah James has been added to our family

2. We have been a part of a new church plant for several months now. We love the families involved. Through the many bumps and turns we've had already, we look forward to what God will do this coming year.

3. For our family and friends who are even more dear to us.

4. For our favorite fruit of the season: pomegranates!


Sarah said...

Do you remember eating pomegranates in Olds?

Laura said...

YES!! You were the one to introduce them to me...what a friend!!:)